Term 2 Week 8 (17/6/2022)
What is On?
Thursday 23rd June - Confirmation Retreat - Maclean
Friday 24th June - School Athletics Carnival (BBQ lunch- sausage sizzle available)
Thursday 30th June - Confirmation - Maclean
Thursday 30th June - Last day term 2 for students
Friday 1st July - Staff Professional Learning Day - Pupil Free Day- Foundation Professional Learning Day. There will not be care on this day as with most businesses staffing is at a premium.
Term 3
Monday 18th July - First day Term 3, 2022
Save the Date - Monday 25th July - Foundation Day
Save the Date - Wednesday 3rd August - School Disco
Dear Parents and Carers
I was away yesterday and all day my phone pinged with "the gram" notifications. I loved seeing all the learning and the pride of the staff and children.
I have a weekend of report reading ahead of me!
The Common Grade Scale is the system by which the children's learning (beyond ES1) is reported. In previous years I would offer an introduction to the reporting system as it is significantly different to how you and I received reports. (Look at me putting my age closer to all of our parents when I know I am older!)
The scale uses two points of reference.
1. The work of the learners is graded as to what the knowledge is gained and
2. The skills demonstrated in the application.
As our syllabus' are written in stages(2 years of learning) there is a significant amount of work involved in meeting the outcomes against the CGS.
The Common Grade Scale describes performance at each of five grade levels.
A -The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.
B -The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations.
C -The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.
D -The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills.
E -The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills.
What this means is that to achieve an A that the student is learning the content and is able to apply this information to a new situation without great support. Getting a B is similar. The content is understood and the learning is transferred across to other subjects or contexts within the subject.
I have an example that happened a couple of years ago- a student wrote a strong biography graded at a C as the supports and content were worked on with scaffolds in class and with discussion. On the day when the student was presenting this information to his peers and to a staff member in a reflections session, he identified that he had applied the processes learnt in the biography to the artist statement and without prompting he identified that the structure made his writing better. His final grade for this task? B
What you might understand from this story and explanation is that in Semester 1 a C is a very strong grade and that as the year progresses a C is still a very strong grade, as the content gets more advanced as the year and stage progresses.
This system relies on all staff working collaboratively and also giving learners the opportunity to explain their learning and to apply advice in reviewing their work. This can happen from years 1 to 6 but it takes time for these skills to be developed.
That is another skill! Having students who think they are "finished the task" and handed it in or in a learning conference, going back to a piece of work to upgrade words or clarify their thinking is part of the process. Some learners find this easy but others do not "finished is finished"
Welcome to the art and science of teaching.
Knowing the subject content for seven subjects is one thing (science of teaching), getting learners to believe that they can always improve their work is the art of teaching.
If there was interest I would run a one-hour meeting at the beginning of Week 10 to support your understanding. If you would like this please let me know or send an email to yamp@lism.catholic.edu.au
Have a lovely weekend
Sport Dates
-School - Yamba, Friday 24th June
Have you noticed in the What's ON that there will be a carnival sausage sizzle? Can you help for a time?
At the CSW Parent Assembly morning tea, a group of parents discussed how they could support to build community. At that time, we said " no idea is not a good one".
A call last week with "an idea" was that we could have a sausage sizzle for lunch, supported by enthusiastic parents. The enthusiastic parents would love a hand. If you are able to assist please contact me and I will "link you up".
-Zone - Coffs Harbour, Wednesday 20th July
-Dio - Lismore, Friday 12th August
-Polding - Newcastle, Friday 9th September
Confirmation- Thursday 30th June, from 5:30pm at St Mary’s Church, Maclean.
Reconciliation- Wednesday 24th August, 11:40am in school hall.
First Holy Communion- Saturday 27th August, 5:30pm at St James Church, Yamba
RE News
Accendere means to ‘switch on’, kindle to catch fire, light to strike, to produce/spark the flame. Accendere is a one day retreat designed for Year 4 students as part of the Lismore Diocese’s Student Discipleship Continuum for Catholic Parish School students from Years 4-12. The continuum begins with Year 4 as students have completed the Sacraments of Initiation in Year 3 and are ‘switched on’ in a new way after receiving these Sacraments. Accendere Retreat helps to support students on their faith journey through immersion in a day that focuses on the theme of friendship in Jesus. Research has shown that people are making defining choices about their faith at a much younger age than in the past. This retreat will help support our students as they search for meaning and discern regarding their commitment to faith.
St James Year 4 students participated in the Accendere Retreat yesterday, where students travelled with Miss Imeson, Mrs Howland and Mrs Towner to The Stella in Yamba. Students engaged in a variety of creative activities at the retreat venue and Main Beach, that related to the theme of the day and were designed to nurture their faith. Students had positive feedback from the day and especially enjoyed their burgers for lunch! We thank Miss Imeson for organising this wonderful day for our students.
Renee Howland
Leader of School Mission
Mini Vinnies
Mini Vinnies- Annual Winter Appeal
As part of our Annual Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal we will be collecting any warm blankets or clothing from our families. A box will be placed in the front office for anyone who is able to donate. This Winter Appeal will provide emergency relief to people at risk of and experiencing homelessness, as well as people in our community who are in need of warm supplies this winter.
Next week our Stage 3 Mission leaders will be visiting our classrooms to give a brief talk on what Mini Vinnies is all about. Mini Vinnies is a part of our Winter Appeal. As we reach the cooler months we want to reflect on and support any people in need.
Every Friday Stage 3 host a radio station at TLC FM Radio 93.5. Today we had Sam and Savana telling us about the latest events at St James and in the wider community. Tune in from 11am. We are returning in week 1 next term.
This week in ES1 we have been working on re-reading our writing to ensure it makes sense. Our Editing Checklist is something students complete after their writing. We check that our writing: makes sense (by reading it aloud), has full-stops, has finger spaces and capital letters. We also have a new Dramatic Play Investigation space where students can dress up and get into character! These characters are inspired by our rich literature we are reading in class. Noah is the Dad from Fancy Nancy. Aria and Maggie are dressed up as Fancy Nancy.
Stage 1
We are publishing! Stage 1 has been very busy this week publishing their information reports. Students published their good copies using google docs and google slides. Students have thoroughly enjoyed developing their skills on the computers. They are learning to touch type, change font, insert pictures and create a slide show. We cannot wait to share the finished products with you.
Stage 2
Accendere Retreat
On Thursday our Yr 4 students travelled into Yamba for an Accendere retreat day. The theme of the day was all about Friendship. We looked at characteristics we’ve noticed in good friends, and discussed ways we can be better friends.
The students journeyed to the beach and participated in activities and team building games where the focus was on using skills of friendship and communication. They reflected on each activity which strategies made them difficult and easy.
We reflected on how these skills also play out in our relationships. This led to a discussion about how we show love to others by the way we treat them, especially our friends and the students in our class and school. It was a very special day that will hopefully help us have healthy relationships throughout our lives.