Term 3 Week 7 (27/08/2121)
What is On?
Thursday 16th September - Last Day Term 3 for students
Friday 17th September - Staff Development Day - School Closed - all staff attending (First Aid)
Dear Parents and Carers
The end of this week brings us joy in the Book Week celebrations. Our goal is to maintain a sense of some normal in the rhythm of school life, and for your support with this, we are eternally grateful.
Today those staff who have been onsite for Week 7 are going off site for Week 8 and you will see us in the blended learning environment and zoom world.
The reasoning behind this CSO decision is to ensure that we have two teams of staff who are not mixing and providing us with staffing security in the unlikely event of an outbreak.
We are all still working with you towards maintaining your children as a community of learners connected with one another.
In these uncertain times we have three goals.
1. Keep all children connected with one another at this time.
2. Celebrate anything and everything with your children and you.
3. Set achievable amounts of work for all children.
If you have any questions regarding our future path, I am happy to field them and please keep reading the notices from the CSO as I post them.
See you all online (and Christine in Kiss and Drop)
Book Week
Such a hard decision "Who wore it best? "
The three winners ( more than I thought) are the wheelbarrow readers and the kayak reader.
Everyone else was fabulous and it is going to cost a small fortune in icypole treats!
Thank you to the parents who joined in. Can I shout you a virtual beer, wine or spirit of your choice! ( That means have a 5 o'clock beverage and be proud of your efforts!)
RE News
In Laudato Si' Pope Francis reflects on the life of St Francis of Assisi and how for him, each and every creature was like a sister or a brother. We are a part of creation not separate from it. In Genesis 2:15, we are instructed to ‘till and keep’ the garden. Over time we’ve been pretty good at tilling but not so great at keeping.
This year’s Social Justice Statement, written by the Australian Catholic Bishops ‘Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor’ reflects on creation in and through the Trinity; the sacramentality of all created things; the wonder and beauty available to the contemplative eye; and the need for conversion and change of life. This statement coupled with Laudato Si’ challenges us to reflect on all of creation and the part we all play in keeping it.
Today is an opportunity for us to stop what we are doing, to step outside or to gaze outside the window and look, really look at the beauty that surrounds us - in plants, animals and in each other.
Let us celebrate creation, thanking God for this beautiful gift. Let us also listen to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor and let us ask God to guide our thoughts and actions as we move through the rest of our day. Let us be ready to follow that guidance.
Curriculum Corner
Premier's Reading Challenge
The Premier's Reading Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely.
The Challenge has been extended for a further two weeks, and therefore closes Friday, September 3rd, 2021.
Christine Jeffrey
Little J's Video
This week we have celebrated everything about BOOKS! We have enjoyed watching two local authors read their books - Renee James and Maggie Hutchings. Kindergarten composed some great questions to ask Renee James. We are Number Busting, counting, creating and enjoying the Show & Tell time in our zooms!
Stage 1
We have seen some amazing effort from our students in online learning this week.
Stage 2
Stage 2 - News Reports
Stage 3
Another huge thank you to our wonderful Stage 3 students for all of their effort and hard work this week - we are so proud of you!
To celebrate Book Week, in English each day we listened to a shortlisted story from the Children's Book Council, and completed activities; comprehension, imaginative writing, interviews, compare & contrast, etc. We also participated in the #stage3bookweekchallenge, designing posters, games and characters to promote our favourite stories! We were also extremely lucky to have a Zoom with Maggie Hutchings, author of 'Your Birthday was the Best!', who gave us lots of great tips for writing and shared her experiences as an author. Miss Haines' favourite quote? - "Don't be afraid of writing, just speak from the heart!"
In Maths we used MathsOnline to revise our knowledge, and we used our fractions knowledge to complete a design task, creating patterns and showing our understanding of parts of a whole - ask the students to show you their design! We also continued our learning about ‘Time’ and began looking at start and finishing times to calculate elapsed time.
In RE we undertook research to explore how the modern day sacrament of Eucharist came to be, how the words, rituals and symbols have come from Biblical times and the Last Supper.
We finished off Book Week with our book parade Zoom which was so wonderful to see the kids dressed up and talking about their chosen books. Mrs Dougherty ran a ‘Wheel of Names’ game to see who the lucky book parade students would be. Drum roll please……….. Congratulations to Ellie White and Ruby Thompson for winning this year's book vouchers!
See you next week on the Zooms!
Miss Haines, Miss Ross & Mrs Petersen
Amelia Greenaway - 4th September, Finley Waghorn - 8th September, Nick Callanan - 9th September, James Callanan - 9th September, Lola Bice - 10th September