Term 1 Week 8 (19/03/2021)
What is On?
Monday 22nd March - Senior team -Basketball Day
Thursday 25th March - Holy Week Liturgy 9:30am - School Hall
Thursday 25th March - School Cross Country 11am start
Friday 26th March - Awards Assembly
Monday 29th March - Junior team - Basketball Day
Tuesday 30th March - Last day term 1 for all students.
Wednesday 31st March and Thursday 1st April - Staff development days - school closed - all staff attend.
Monday 19th April - First Day Term 2, 2021
Wednesday 5th May - Proclaim Lismore - School closed - all staff attend
Friday 25th June - Staff Professional Learning - School Improvement Plan - school closed- all staff attend
Friday 17th September - Professional Learning - First Aid - school closed - all staff attend
Dear Parents and Carers
Are the weather gods against us?
The Grafton Waterslide is a non-event again. I am not complaining though, other schools in our diocese had children going home yesterday, due to rising rivers and while it is "good weather for ducks" and the playground is a duck pond, we are able to access our site and our rooms are dry and comfortable. "When will we go?" We are still keen but I expect it to be in early Term 4.
Kydan Jones and Clarence Dougherty are off to Sydney today to compete in the Polding Swimming Championships at the Homebush Aquatic Centre. We hope they have a wonderful and successful time. I believe it will be broadcast online and we intend to watch from here. This opportunity has never been given before so that will be nice for their friends and siblings.
Good luck gentlemen.
Last time I watched swimming at Homebush on a broadcast, was for the 2000 Sydney Olympics. I don't think any of our children were even born at that time. (Yep, I am feeling old!)
Fingers crossed for next week, as we might have our Cross Country (see below). Parents will be welcome on site (under a COVID safe plan) but I would suggest we will all need old clothes and spare dry socks and shoes.
Stage 2 - NORPA- What was on?
Yesterday you may have seen the Instagram story of Zelda and Albus. We had 2 actors from NORPA and a videographer onsite working with the children as part of a currluculm unit designed for the stage 2 children in the Clarence Valley. The children have had a series of clues arrive into the classroom for the last 3 weeks.
All the staff pretended not to know what the clues meant over the past weeks and the children spent the time investigating and connecting ideas to contribute to the sleuthing.
Several parents asked me this morning what it was all about.
The story was about a girl and boy who worked in a library where only one history book survived the attack of moths. There were clues stashed all over the school and the children solved these to build the story. The characters were time travelling through periods in Australian history and the children were introduced to each period of our development, beginning before First Contact.
The actors were working with the children to think about how history is told and how we are all part of history in the making.
The next step is to work in our biography writing in Stage 2. By the end of the year the children will have composed their personal history to present at a day in Grafton during Term 4.
Hoping the weekend is restful
New Child Protection Procedures for Entering School Grounds.
These new guideines arrived in my Inbox last night.
"Please be reminded that all parents, carers and visitors to school MUST sign in when venturing past the front administration office, as per our Child Protection Procedures.
During drop off and pick up times, please designate a 'green zone' where parents are allowed to gather while waiting without signing in.
For the safety of all our students and staff, please do not allow parents/carers/visitors to access any other part of the school site during these times without signing in. "
Where is the green zone?
I am thinking this is under the big top at the western end. If you wish to go into a classroom or to see a teacher - please sign in on the QR code outside the front office.
Sport News
Good luck to Clarence Dougherty and Kydan Jones who are travelling down to Sydney over the weekend to represent the Lismore Diocese at the Polding Swimming Carnival on Monday. Both boys are competing in the 50m Freestyle. We look forward to hearing some results.
Winter Sports Trials
The Diocesan Winter Sports Trials to be held in Grafton last Friday were washed out, and have been cancelled today as well. Hopefully, if the weather eases, these will be able to go ahead next Friday.
Cross Country
Our school Cross Country event is being held next Thursday. Races begin at 11am with the 6/7yr olds followed by 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, 12s and will finish with the main event, Kindergarten (running with their Stage 3 buddies). Parents are able to attend the event but need to make sure that they stay in the marked spectators area at all times.
The playground looks more like a lake at this point in time, so if the conditions are too wet, the event will be postponed to the beginning of next term. A final decision will be made before the end of school next Wednesday and communicated to students and parents.
RE News
This week we celebrate the feast days of Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph. While Saint Patrick’s Day is well known as a day of celebration in remembrance of the patron saint of Ireland, the feast day of Saint Joseph follows closely on Friday, March 19th. In December last year, Pope Francis announced a Year of Saint Joseph, to honor the 150th anniversary of the saint’s patronage over the Universal Church. Pope Francis said he was establishing the year so that “every member of the faithful, following Saint Joseph’s example, may strengthen their life of faith daily in the complete fulfillment of God’s will.”
Curriculum Corner
NAPLAN Online Practice tests will be available in the online assessment platform between 22 March and 1 April 2021.
Participation in the practice tests is highly beneficial for schools and students in their preparation for NAPLAN Online, as it allows schools and students to become familiar with the online assessment platform and processes.
The practice tests include an omnibus test (combination of reading, conventions of language and numeracy questions) and a writing test. The omnibus test and the writing test run for 45 minutes and 42 minutes respectively. All students in Years 5, 7 and 9 participate in both tests. Students in Year 3 participate in the omnibus test only.
Christine Jeffrey
Early Stage 1
This week in ES1 we have been busy creating symmetry self portraits. Check out the amazing results in the photos below. We have also been writing about our favourite parts of our faces using sight words. We are remembering to use finger spaces when we write and learning that letters make sounds! We have enjoyed gardening with our Stage 3 buddies and getting our first school photos taken. Kindergarten would like to wish Molly O’Brien and her family the best of luck in their big move to Canberra. We will miss you and your big smile, Molly!
Stage 1
We have been busy during the week glamming up the classroom, bringing the ceiling down and changing up the investigation spaces. The children were very excited to see the amazing change in the room and look forward to engaging in the new spaces next week!